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This End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you ("User") and Charter Limited ("Company") governing the use of the Charter website and app (collectively referred to as the "Application"). By accessing or using the Application, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


1. Grant of License

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company grants the User a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Application for personal, non-commercial purposes only.


2. Restrictions

2.1 The User shall not sell, transmit, host, or otherwise commercially exploit the Application.

2.2 The User shall not copy or use the Application for any other purposes except for personal, non-commercial purposes.

2.3 The User shall not modify, decrypt, reverse compile, or reverse engineer the Application.


3. Ownership

3.1 The Application, including all its contents, features, and trademarks, is the exclusive intellectual property of the Company. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company retains all rights, title, and interest in the Application.

3.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting the User ownership rights or any other rights to the Application or its intellectual property.


4. User-Generated Content

4.1 The User may create content, such as text and uploaded images, through or on the Application.

4.2 The User acknowledges and agrees that they are solely responsible for the content they create or upload, and they retain ownership of their own content.

4.3 The User grants the Company a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, and display the User's content within the Application.


5. Updates and Changes

The Company may, at its discretion, release updates, bug fixes, enhancements, or new features for the Application. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company has no obligation to provide any support services for the Application.


6. Feedback and Suggestions

If the User provides the Company with feedback, suggestions, or ideas regarding the Application, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Company may use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, and display such feedback without any obligation to provide compensation or credits to the User.


7. Collection of Personal Information

7.1 The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company may collect and process certain personal information from the User, such as their email address, in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy.

7.2 The Company shall handle the User's personal information in compliance with applicable privacy laws, including but not limited to American, European, and United Kingdom laws.


8. Termination

This Agreement is effective until terminated. The User may terminate this Agreement by discontinuing the use of the Application. The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time without notice if the User fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement.


9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the Company is registered, namely United Kingdom. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.


10. Contact Information

For any inquiries or questions regarding this Agreement or the Application, please refer to the contact details provided on the Charter website at


By accessing or using the Application, the User acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the User does not agree with any provision of this Agreement, they should immediately cease the use of the Application.

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

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